Miniature Ikea chair made for a spoof commercial by Wundur
Virtual game goggles for short film "Happy fun room"
"Trancer" device for a short film "The Living"
Giant acorns with internal lights made for the "Memory Tree" in the short film "Labyrinth"
Custom egg cartons for a feature film "Walter"
Company sign for a short film "D-Monster"
Theatre sign for web series "We need help"
Roof sculptures for a short film "You"
Street sign for a short film "The Living"
Faux passports for short film "Skywings"
Fighter pilot helmets for a short film "Skywings"
Minitature street set for my animated film "Detached"
Paper sets for my personal film "Hours, Days, Years"
Oversized push pins for my thesis film "Ode to Home"
Photo blanket for my thesis film "Ode to Home"
Prop books for a feature film "Walter"
Book page design for a short film "Miracle Mile"
Faux elevator buttons (Down arrow & Down button) for a short film "You"
Logo design and implementation for a short film "The Living"
Poster designed for my thesis show
Poster designed for a short film "You"
Prop poster designed for a short film "Miracle Mile"